County Comprehensive Land Use Plan

The Kandiyohi County Comprehensive Plan was adopted November 20, 2001.  This document establishes a Comprehensive Plan for Kandiyohi County.  The primary purpose of the Plan is to provide a "vision" for growth and development by outlining what Kandiyohi County residents would like to see occur in the future.  This Plan primarily accomplishes this in two ways. First, Chapter Seven establishes the County's Goals, Objectives and Policy Guidelines.  These prescribe how land use decisions should be make on a day-to-day basis.  Second, Chapter Eight outlines which activities should be completed by the County to ensure the Plan is implemented property.

The Kandiyohi County Comprehensive Plan focuses on growth and development issues for the next 20 year, or until approximately the year 2020.  This "2020 vision" was used as a manageable amount of time to plan for, although the Plan will be implemented until it is either revised or ultimately replaced.  The Plan also includes a County Profile, Natural Resources, Land Use, Community Profiles, Township Profiles, Current & Emerging Issues, Goals, Objectives and Policy Guidelines and Implementation.

Kandiyohi County Comprehensive Land Use Plan